Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Naked Boobs In Public Are Legal!! Too Bad They Are Nuts.

Ok, the law says it's legal to breastfeed in public. Wonderfull. If ya wanna whip it out in the middle of the mall, knock your self out. Nobody's business but yours, your not breaking any laws, its your tit....good enough right? Of course not.
Now we have State Senator Fred Risser, a Democrat out of Madison (big surprise) that authorized the bill that would make it illegal for people to harass women who breastfeed in public. He says “If a person was harassing a woman who was breastfeeding, she now — if this bill passes — would have a legal right to complain and that individual would be arrested and fined.”

So, lets get this in context. If Grandma Smith walks through the mall and sees Mrs. Jones with her boob hangin out breastfeeding her kid and says something to the effect that it would be more appropriate if she did it in private, Gramma gets arrested and fined.

I know women are pretty much in charge in life but now the rights of the tit override rights of free speech? Whats next? If someone looks at her wrong is he gonna get arrested too?
I personally couldn't care less if someone wants to breastfeed in public but to make it a law that no one else can voice an opinion to her is ridiculous.
Does this mean that next time I am standing in the smoking area outside the mall doors having a cigarette (which is my legal right) and someone says to me that I shouldn't smoke by the doors cause it irritates people that walk by I can have them arrested? Of course not. I would tell them to kiss my ass....which is MY right to free speech.

If these women are so damned thin skinned that they can't handle someone saying something negative to them I suggest they either keep their tits in their shirt or don't go outside in public. Free speech cannot be made illegal because some liberal has the nerve to take her tits out in public but doesn't have the nerve to tell some busybody to mind their own business.
Your sensitive little feelings doesn't constitute denying my constitutional rights.

Next time I see ya out there in public feeding your kid perhaps I should say "nice tits" so I don't get hauled off to jail for disagreeing with your choices in life.
Oh, and don't you dare make a face when I fart as I walk by ya or I'll call a cop for you infringing on my right to pass gas....which is as shitty smelling as this stupid bill.

Give me a break.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think The law is intented to keep men and teenage boys from staring at this and commenting on it as a perverse act.As a woman I often find men perverse in the way they look at me in general, must women do not wear tigh clothes or short skirts and reasonable try to wear things that are more conservative to draw mens attention to other things like what they are saying. most the time men are so abrasive to woman and the way they persive them it does not matter what we are doing. To breastfeed your child should not be a spectator sport or a gathering to watch it in a perverse way. Laws should be inplace to ensure women feel safe enough to breastfeed in public. after all most women would rather breastfeed at home in private but the demands of a baby are often times not suited for that conveniece. I would like to see a man who is tired tring to keep up with the demands of a baby and household and whatever else is sitting on his plate and decide to go to the mall and thought for sure he would only be in there an hour when he actually spent two hours and the baby begins to cry. what would a man do? Do you breastfeed in public and listen to the lude comments about your breast, the comments that are know drawing more attention then what you started with and when your all alone with a baby and begin to defend how offensive the comments are you now have people yelling at you and your baby is now begining to be startled, you just wanted to feed your baby so you go find a cop to put an end to this chaos so you can finish with the feeding and the cop you find tells you it is thier freedom of speech that allows them to harass you and he is sorry but that you need to take that crying baby home and feed him.

2:32 PM  
Blogger ~Gate~ said...

Most women do not wear certain things as to not draw a mans attention?
**a pretty belittleing and wrong categorization of women**
Most of the time men are abrasive to women in the way they perceive them?
**another wrong categorization, of men this time**
Men wouldn't be able to cope with things a woman copes with?
**get off your pedestal, no one is belittleing women here (except you) My wife is an amazingly strong and intelligent woman and could do anything she set her mind to, as can I. Don't make wide spread judgments on society just because you obviously have issues.

Despite the fact that you attempted to twist "someone making a comment that they didn't like what the breastfeeding mother was doing" into "a bunch of men and boys ogling and yelling at the woman causing chaos" (which by the way there is ALREADY laws against called Disturbing The Peace and Disorderly Conduct) the fact remains that free speech gives everyone the right to voice their opinion to you, not scream and yell and ogle and cause chaos, but to voice their opinion.
I apologize for not letting you change the facts and twist words to make your point seem correct. You obviously haven't researched the bill that has been proposed enough to make an intelligent comment on what it is "intended" to do.
Also, I wouldn't be so quick to judge women so weak and small and unable to stand up for themselves as you do. Most I know are very strong and independant people, I married one of them. Trust me, if she wanted to breastfeed in public she would, and she wouldn't need some liberal law killing someones freedom of speech to protect her. She would use her freedom of speech to do that, and I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end.
Don't have such a low opinion of the female gender, they aren't all as weak as you seem to think they are, and they sure don't have the issues with men that someone obviously does.

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think there is a difference between free speech and harassment. Just as sexual comments towards an employee in the workplace are not legal, there is certain behavior that falls between voicing an opinion and the disorderly conduct you mention.

I don't believe someone should be fined for voicing an opinion. For this to even remotly qualify as a constitional limit of free speech, the parameters of what is considered abusive would have to be very well defined.

Gate, traditionally there have been many limits placed on free speech as it crosses the line to infringe on the rights of others (threatening the President, yelling "fire" in a theater, sexual harassment, etc.)

I am not saying I agree wholly with this policitian, but I do feel there are probably grounds for it examining it as a part of sexual harrassment law.

What is sad is that there are people we feel compelled to force to behave in a respectful manner. It's is the least these mothers deserve. The trick is finding the balance between inhibiting free speech and the right of someone to be free from harassment.

It reminds me of a story I heard recently, which is the opposite of this case -- a woman was fined for public nudity for breastfeeding her child in public. The fine was eventually recinded, but it astounds me that it happened in the first place. -- why are people so afraid of bare boobs or the thoughts they induce?

9:43 AM  
Blogger ~Gate~ said...

Threatening the President (or anyone else is already against the law.
Yelling "FIRE" in a theater is against the Disorderly Conduct laws as it incites a mob into an extremely hazaradous situation.
Sexual Harassment laws are workplace laws for a reason thought. If you attempt to put sexual harrasment laws, which is pretty much where this bill is heading, into public situations you are asking for trouble beyond belief.
You say they would have to be "very well defined"?
Sexual harrasment is perceptive, mainly on the part of the one "feeling" harassed. There is no possible way you can define every situation on what is or is not harassment to each individual.
Some will be harassed by a look, a whistle, a comment, etc...etc....could be anything.
This bill is asking for trouble, false accusations and more court costs for the taxpayers.
Enforce the laws that are already in place and stop trying to cater to every person who is uncomfortable with what someone else has to say.
I found some of your first comments very offensive and abusive, but I don't want you arrested and fined. I spent 22 years of my life as a soldier willing to die to protect your right to tell me you think I'm an asshole.
We need thicker skin and less laws. There are much more important things for the police and courts to do rather than protect someones feelings.

10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, just for the record, i didn't post the first comments, from anonymous, that was someone else. :)

I don't agree with her perception that most of the time men are perverse or abrasive, but everyone's experience is different.

You make good points and ultimately I agree with you. The idea appeals to me mostly because I would like for women to not have to tolerate that kind of abuse at any level, but that is an idealistic view and not a practical one.

12:09 PM  
Blogger ~Gate~ said...

LOL...i thought your post seemed a little more intelligent than the first one. :o)

Hopefully I will actually walk into this situation in the mall one day when someone is butting their nose into a woman breastfeeding her baby so I can use my freedom of speech to stand up for her and humiliate the ass that's doing it...hehe
Not that I am the confrontational type at all...LOL

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There have been a number of incidents around the country where women have been forced to leave public places or semi-public places, such as McDonald's, because they were breast-feeding and some prude was "disturbed".

The proposed law would clarify the legal right to breast feed...

6:34 PM  
Blogger ~Gate~ said...

Hey Anonymous,
Incidents around the country have nothing to do with this bill. This is a STATE law and their is already a STATE law allowing women to breastfeed in public.
The proposed law has nothing to do with clarifying the legal right to do so.
I know it takes a bit of effort to actually research what your talking about but give it a try.

6:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gate,
Isn't this your feed page? Does it not state feel free to leave your comments? Are you so one sided that no one elses views are important because they are not yours? Well here is my freedom of speech, I think you need to try to put your self in the place of the women who have asked for this bill to go into effect. There is a reason why people pressure thier law makers into passing bills like this. The law maker himself is just trying to get a few votes, so this group whom have asked for it is apparently big enough to put votes in his pockets or else he would not sign it. No one is saying you can not voice your opion, they are just saying women whom breastfeed in public do not want to hear it.

5:31 PM  
Blogger ~Gate~ said...

Let me clear this up for you "anonymous".

>>Hey Gate,
>>Isn't this your feed page?
Yes, it is.

>> Does it not state feel free to >>leave your comments?
Yes, it does.

>> Are you so one sided that no >>one elses views are important >>because they are not yours?
No one said that anyone elses views aren't important but you. If I did think that way there is this little button that I can click so noone could make comments. Just as you have the right to state your opinion, I have the right to debate mine. As far as being one sided, well ya see, when people disagree on a subject and debate it, they usually take one side, otherwise they would agree and their wouldn't be a debate, see how that works?

>> Well here is my freedom of >>speech, I think you need to try >>to put your self in the place >>of the women who have asked for >>this bill to go into effect.
I have. My wife has. My friends have. Most of them agree that it's a ridiculous bill that shouldn't be enacted as a law. One friend in particlar had this happen to her repeatedly when she was breastfeeding in public and didn't need someone arrested for speaking their mind. She stood up for her own right to do what was perfectly legal. There are many things that are legal that people do in public that others don't agree with. If we have a law that gets everyone arrested and fined for speaking their mind and hurting someones feelings we have lost a basic freedom of speech.

>> There is a reason why people >>pressure thier law makers into >>passing bills like this. The >>law maker himself is just >>trying to get a few votes, so >>this group whom have asked for >>it is apparently big enough to >>put votes in his pockets or >>else he would not sign it.
Yes, and their is a reason people oppose it. We have that right, even if you don't like it. Of course if bills like this start passing we may not have that right much longer.

>> No one is saying you can not >>voice your opion, they are just >>saying women whom breastfeed in >>public do not want to hear it.
Once again, I am FOR the law that ALREADY exists that allows them to breastfeed in public. I am against making a law that makes it illegal for someone to state their opinion that disagrees.
So, you said that no one elses opinion is important to me? Think about it, I am fighting for the right of people that want to voice an opinion that I DONT AGREE WITH!!
I know it's the popular liberal thing to do to twist peoples words around but it's not going to happen here.

6:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people are ridicoulous! No one should say ANYTHING to a woman breastfeeding in public! Its her right and her childs right to eat. Would you find it offensive if someone came up to you and said " i dont like the way your eating can you go eat in the bathroom?" If you had a child, that would only eat from the mothers breast and not from a bottle, who got hungry in public would you make your wife go to the bathroom to feed her child or would you let him starve? Think about it asssholes breastfeeding is almost as old as dirt, is it really going to kill you for the rest of your life to see a woman breast feed in public? Is it going to rest on your mind every waking moment for the rest of your life? If it is then too bad for you! Dont look if you dont like it and dont complain if its not your problem.

11:24 AM  
Blogger ~Gate~ said...

>>You people are ridicoulous!
No, the ridiculous ones spout off when they haven't bothered to read and understand whats been posted.

>>No one should say ANYTHING to a >>woman breastfeeding in public!
No one has said they should, your right they shouldn't.

>>Its her right and her childs >>right to eat.
Yes, it is her right, by law.

>>Would you find it offensive if >>someone came up to you and >>said " i dont like the way your >>eating can you go eat in the >>bathroom?"
Yes I would and I would tell them to kiss my ass. I wouldn't expect big brother to make a law to get them arrested for speaking their mind. Get a grip.

>>If you had a child, that would >>only eat from the mothers breast >>and not from a bottle, who got >>hungry in public would you make >>your wife go to the bathroom to >>feed her child or would you let >>him starve?
Neither, she would breast feed him in public and she wouldn't expect big brother to make a law to have someone arrested if they spoke their mind either. She is fully capable of speaking hers back.

>>Think about it asssholes >>breastfeeding is almost as old >>as dirt
And I think its a great idea, asshole.

>>is it really going to kill you >>for the rest of your life to see >>a woman breast feed in public?
Kill you for the rest of your life, thats an interesting phrase.

>>Is it going to rest on your mind >>every waking moment for the rest >>of your life? If it is then too >>bad for you! Dont look if you >>dont like it and dont complain >>if its not your problem.
Now we are back to someone being ridiculous again...guess what, it's you.
If you had bothered to read any of what was posted you would have noticed that NOONE said ANYTHING about how women shouldn't breastfeed in public. That wasn't the issue. I'll type slower here so maybe your estrogen filled brain can read slower and comprehend it.
I fully support breast feeding in public or private. It's normal, natural and legal. My wife supports it and has done it. My friends support it and have done it.
The issue was not about whether they should or should not do it. Here comes the tricky part, pay attention now...
What we do not support is another law that has been suggested for those who DISAGREE WITH ME to be able to say what they think too. There are alot of legal activities that people don't agree with and they speak their mind all the time. That's freedom of speech dear. That's also a right. I don't believe in taking away other's right of freedom of speech just because I don't want to hear it.
Obviously you do, and it is your right to say so, at least temporarily untill they pass a law that you can't state your opinion too...gonna support that one Einstein? Try and have a clue what your arguing about before you argue a point that isn't in contention sweetheart.

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of comments back and forth abotu this little issue So i thought I would drop a few of my own.

First off, the bill is ridiculous. It leaves way to much room for wrongful arrest and vindictive bullshit.

Secondly I don't agree with public breast feeding to begin with. It is a very intimate thing between mother and child and does not belong in the eyes of the public.

The typical uptight self rigtheous bitch who normally thinks the sight of her titty is a blessing, is now going to sit in a mall common and cram the sight of that titty in everyones face and expect them to like it?

Now while I realize public breat feeding is legal and simply exposing te breast in public is not, I do NOT see much difference.

But seeing as it is legal to breast feed in public, and there is that whole freedom of choice thing if some mother chooses to expose her titty and her child to the public she is entitled to that exposure. And for the most part I think it's best to leave her to it. But by the same token I say she should be prepared to deal with the consequences. Someone telling her they are offended by her tasteless actions being one of them.

8:42 PM  

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